9. 1080 snowboarding was highley recieved for its high quality graphics on the N64 system and while it may have limited fun playing time it help set standard for other non major sports game titles
8. while I only ever played this game once it was fun and recieved positively by many and a fun adventure game
7. Pro Skater created a huge franchise for skateboarding video games all by tony hawk while gameplay from game to game wasnt that different it was a fun game.
6. pokemon snap is probably the easiest game I have ever played with the exception of the last level. I remember the first time i played played and beat the game in about 2 hours and was shocked that it was so short ut it has great replay value and trying to get better pictures provides a decent challenge.
5. I think Mario Kart 64 is better then the original. while not very difficult it is a great multiplayer game.
4. possibly the best multiplayer game ever super smash bros. is a unique game in that it a fighting game but there not really any violence playing with 2 or 3 friends you can play this for hours. a few years me and my friends came up with a scoring system and kept track of wins and Ko's and every few months we get togther and play and still update the scores.
3. Super Mario 64 set the standard for games in 3D worlds and transfer video games from side scrollers to open world we you could roam around and explor eveything.
2. I have never played Zelda but it is often cited as the best N64 game ever due to its stellar storyline and various gameplay aspects so even though ive never played I couldnt leave it off the list.
1. Goldeneye has set the standard for all modern shooting video games, nearly all shooters use the first person system were you look through the weapon. goldeneye has led so some of the biggest current games around including Halo, Call of Duty, and many others.
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